Szyfrowane wiadomości RCS między Androidem a iOS już wkrótce. Apple i Google zapowiedzieli zmiany dla swoich ekosystemów
#Poland #Polska #Mastodon #Fediverse #Ai #Technology #News #Feditech #Wiadomosci #iOS #Android #Apple #Google #Rcs

Szyfrowane wiadomości RCS między Androidem a iOS już wkrótce. Apple i Google zapowiedzieli zmiany dla swoich ekosystemów
#Poland #Polska #Mastodon #Fediverse #Ai #Technology #News #Feditech #Wiadomosci #iOS #Android #Apple #Google #Rcs
Apple zadba, żebyś na wyjeździe już nigdy nie zdjął AirPodsów. Nowość w słuchawkach jeszcze w tym roku
#Poland #Polska #Mastodon #Fediverse #Ai #Technology #News #Feditech #Wiadomosci #Apple #AirPods #Sluchawki
"US politicians and privacy campaigners are calling for the private hearing between Apple and the UK government regarding its alleged encryption-busting order to be aired in public."
"Colloquially, the IPA is referred to as the Snooper's Charter since its aims are to legally empower intelligence agencies with greater surveillance powers."
It's so incredibly dumb that you in iOS can't just select and copy any text you want, like you can on desktop operating systems.
I just want to copy this part of a text message or that part of a Mastodon post. The fact that the app has to explicitly allow me to do that, and it's basically just the web browser that does, is nuts.
Dear Apple,
When you finally do deliver your new AI for the iPhone, it's really important that you make sure the off switch works. It's going to be the first and only feature I use.
Ignore me at your peril (or at least the very real threat of a small economic boycott from the Chez Miasma household)
Tra ieri e oggi, chiusi in casa per l'allerta rossa, abbiamo cercato di imbrogliare il tempo impastando.
Vi presento questo nuovo esperimento, ben riuscito devo dire
Ecco la ricetta, fatela perché merita davvero
1/6 Apple Overpromised on AI Siri and Its Staff Is Not Happy About it #AI #Apple #ArtificialIntelligence #Siri #VirtualAssistant
So ... I've been looking for a small machine that I can slap two SATA SSDs in for a long time. And I never even considered Mac Minis before. But apparently their "Server" range has space and cabling for two SATA3 disks. Do I have anyone "in reach" here who has experience with these boxes? Looking at "Late 2012 Server" right now because it has USB3 as well. Are they prone to overheating or otherwise exploding? Do they take Linux reasonably well? #macmini #raid1 #apple
Android vai receber novo ecrã para atender chamadas
Will you join over 1.9k people who’ve signed our petition to keep what’s stored on Apple iCloud encrypted?
The UK government is gambling with our security and playing into the hands of hackers and criminals.
Send a message: save encryption before more services are hit with technical notices.
Sign and share now
When you have the press and civil society camped outside the courtroom, the secret might be out
Even so, we’re still denied the reasons why the UK government wants to take a battering ram to our security and privacy.
It shows contempt for the public interest in the Apple encryption case.
>> My theory: #Apple didn't start going downhill with #AppleIntelligence. It started going downhill when they stopped shipping stickers with their products. I can't quite explain why, but that was the moment.
Everybody who conflates correlation and causation eventually dies.
An die Studis im #Fediverse:
Wer von euch hat seine Bachelor-/Masterarbeit in #Apple #Pages verfasst?
(Bitte keine Kommentare zu Word/LaTeX)
I’ve been using #Apple’s shared #Photos albums for years (but even now know nobody else doing so!) — I like being able to share them securely with other Apple users.
Unfortunately, the fruit company is showing no signs of making that functionality interoperable
I have ideas on using the #DMA to make that happen. But until then, for non-fanboys here are pics from my last 5 years of travels. Enjoy!
UK’s secret iCloud backdoor order triggers civil rights challenge.
The UK government’s secret order to Apple demanding it backdoor the end-to-end encrypted version of its iCloud storage service is challenged by two civil rights groups, Liberty and Privacy International.
They called the order “unacceptable and disproportionate” and warned of “global consequences” as it's thought to extend to non-UK users too.
Apple’s UK encryption legal challenge heard behind closed doors #Encryption #HomeOffice #Politics #Privacy #UKnews #Apple
Apple vai permitir mensagens RCS encriptadas com dispositivos Android
Sortie de veille : une nouvelle interface pour iOS 19 en approche, mais un Siri intelligent qui s’éloigne #Apple #iOS19