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Txopi 🇵🇸 @feditips I'm sorry but I think you are mixing Lemmy the software and the instance.

On discussions about communism like the three you mention happen. I reject them like you! Also other related to mainstream mindset (capitalism, neocolonialism...) that I see very enriching. Nowadays I don't participate on that concrete instance, but I use the softwares and everyday. @feditips there are dozens of instances, the developers of Lemmy want you to create your instances and use the software as you want, because it's free software.

I know many free software developers I don't agree (people that support wars for oil, very sexist men, who are happy to buy cheap clothes made by slaves...) but I still use those softwares. Probably you too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I run with some friends because we think is a great software. @feditips they are disgusting scientists, writers, software developers, painters, actors, athletes... Linux Torvalds and Richard Stallman have done things I strongly disagree. It was a free software developer that actually murdered his wife.

I try to focus on what people creates, if the creation itself is good for the society I take that and push aside the rest. Why don't you try to criticise's editorial line AND use/translate/support Lemmy?

@feditips @meshy @txopi @rysiek

Denying that human rights abuses occurred is not itself a human rights abuse (though I do find it objectionable). Objecting to people saying something, on the other hand, is pretty much guaranteed to fall squarely into the realm of politics.

That doesn't mean I disagree with you BTW. I think it's pretty shitty to deny that those abuses occurred. But it's still politics to go around arguing about the validity of such speech or trying to organize boycotts against pieces of software due to who the developers associate with.
@roboneko @txopi @rysiek @feditips Yep, exactly. Every single one of his arguments fall short.
@feditips @Zach777 the .ml in the main instance stands for "marxismus, leninismus"... do you really wonder?

us-american kommunists are the developers...