Kaixo, mastonekazari eta mastobiologook! Norbaitek esan diezadake argazkikoak marigorringoen arrautzak ote diren? Hala bada, hat-trick + 1 egin dugu gaur leihopoteetan: pinpilinpausa, erle itxurako euli eta erletxo bana ikusteaz gain, aspaldi nahi genituen bizikideak etorri zaizkigu, eta, dirudienez, geratzeko asmoz!
Alguien sabe si son huevos de mariquita?
Can anyone tell me if these are ladybug eggs?
Fairly impossible, these could as well be eggs of any other bug. If you`ve seen ladybugs on this plant before, so its likely to be.
Btw. I like your language, but the only word I know in #euskara is Txirrindu.
@AppleWoi Thanx so much! One of my main 'oracles' has said the same. And it's a pitty, because we have seen no one so far and they'd be so welcome! It has been a nice afternoon, though: a bee-like fly, a white butterfly and a honeybee have visited our window pot... and bumblebees are already regulars...
@bixardune Edozer gauza izan daiteke, nik horrelakoak gure patata sailetan ikusi ditut, eta ez ziren marigorringoak preseski, patataren kakalardoak baizik https://www.qwant.com/?client=opensearch&q=potato+beetle+eggs&t=images