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I just finished watching #TheSubstance starring #DemiMoore for which she already has received a #GoldenGlobe for #BestActress in a #Musical or Comedy.

The #movie is truly #BIZZARE!!!! 😲

I initially thought it was intended as a #horror show but then it morphed into a #farce which had me laughing out loud at the ridiculousness if it. 🤣

It's #TheLastShowGirl (2024) meets #TheThing (1982) and the underlying question is: What price are you willing to pay for fame & beauty?" 🤔

I've now watched 8 out of the 10 #Oscar nominated films for #BestPicture this year and so far & The Substance is my favorite for the craziness & audacity of it all. 👏👏👏👏

I'd give it at least a 7 and maybe even an 8 out of 10 -- so call it a 7.5 which is a very high movie rating from me.

I know it won't win the Oscar -- #TheBrutalist which already won the Golden Globe for Best Picture will probably get it -- but IMO this film is better & I'm immediately adding it to my DVD buy list. 😎

"Whether we make it or not, we can't let that Thing freeze again. Maybe we'll just warm things up a little around here. We're not gettin' outta here alive. But neither is that Thing."

All shot using real lighting, figures and miniature sets. I digitally illustrated a glow to Macready's flare.

#thething #johncarpenter #horrormovies #photography #creativephotography #miniatures #movies #miniaturephotography #toyphotography