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So, lunchtime lap completed with the unixdog. The plan for the rest of the day: look forward to lunch, wait for the Silverstone Formula 1 Grand Prix and then do as the dog does and go to bed with a few more episodes of "Norsemen". Take some time out from the computers. Chilled Sunday.


One day at the end of July 2016 I went to #Poel #Island with somebody visiting us here in #Wismar to take a bath in the sea.

It was mid morning and we went out for a nice swim.

Back at the beach I took my camera from my bag and scanned the sea, suddenly stopping in mid swing:

Far out on the #Baltic #Sea I saw:

A distant square sail.

The head of a dragon.

A true #longboat!

It was the "Helge Ask" from #Roskilde passing by on a summer trip! 😎 

What a sight!

#history #norsemen

Kasualitatez seriea aurkitu dut eta ikusten hasi naiz. Lehen kapituluarekin engantxatu nau (kapituluek 30 minutuko iraupena dute). Vikingoen herrixka batean girotuta dago eta satiraz eta umore beltzaz bete dago. Hamen irudi batzuk